
“The Cocoon”



The cocoons of the silkworm (Bombyx Mori)

A silkworm goes through four stages in its life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The silkmoth lays between 200-500 eggs which will hatch after 2 weeks. Thus beginning the second stage of larva (caterpillar). They feast on mulberry leaves for 20-30 days and molt four times throughout, shedding their skin. At the fourth molt the larva has increased its size by 10,000 times since birth. The larva then prepares to enter the pupa stage, enclosing themselves in a cocoon made up of raw silk produced by the salivary glands which takes 48 hours to complete. Once in the cocoon the larva sheds its skin and enters the third stage: pupa which lasts two weeks. As soon as the transformation is complete it will excrete a fluid that dissolves a hole in the silk, and the moth will emerge!
The only purpose for the moth is to mate, it won’t need any food, nor defecate. The male will die within 24 hours of mating and the female 3 days later so she can lay her eggs... and the process repeats ... This process takes about 45 days from start to finish!

The cocoon is made of a singular continuous thread of silk that can reach as long as 900 meters (3,000 feet)
It takes about 2,500 cocoons to produce a pound of silk.
Although all the silkworms feed on the same mulberry leaves
They produce all these amazing different natural colors due to the inheritable variations they metabolize the carotenoids and flavonoids in the mulberry leaves.